Thursday 3 February 2011

Front Cover Flat Plan for Music Magazine

This is a sketch of my contents page for my music magazine 'Pulse'. I will include as well as the contents of the magazine, an editors note. This will be a small paragraph explaining what is featured in the magazine. I will also include an image of teen pop star Taylor Swift. This will be showing that she is featured in the magazine. On my drawing i have made sure the type face of the mast head 'contents' is the same housestyle as the main mast head on the front cover 'Pulse'. I have done the same with the numbers on the contents.
I will use this image of Taylor Swift on my contents page...
i have choosen to use this image because it fits the 'pop' genre. This is also the similar colours i would like to use in my own photoshoot.

This is the drawing of my contents page...
I have choosen a bubbily font to represent the 'Pop' genre. The mast head will over lap the back ground image, which will be a photo of my model. I will include strap lines to advertise the content of the magazine, and i will also include images.

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