Monday 21 February 2011

Targetted Audience - Music Magazine

I will produce a magazine which will be particuarly based on music. Unlike your typical music magazine which is normally aimed at older teens and adults, and normally looks are the rock star image. My music magazine will look at up and coming teen pop stars. My targetted audience will be early teens aged 10-15 being mainly girls who are interested in music and maybe themselves are up and coming musicians. I hope to protray my targetted audience by featuring on the front cover one of the young up and coming singers. (This will be my model, who is my younger sister) I will use attractive colours which will be bright and reflect the theme of 'Pop' i will try not to be stereotypical with the colour scheme, however my magazine is typically aimed at girls therefore my colours will have to be girly. But maybe not just use the colour pink.

Taylor Swift

I love this image i found on the internet of Taylor Swift and her guitar, i would like to reproduce this image and feature it either on the cover of my magazine or on my double page spread. 

Magazine Analysis - Rolling Stone Cover

The 'Rolling Stone' magazine is a very famous magazine related to music and specifically feature articles and front covers on famous musicians. This particular magazine features the teen music icon 'Taylor Swift'. I love this image with the guitar, and it has given me an idea to use a similar image for my music magazine. I will take a picture of my sister with her own guitar. I like how the main title 'Rolling Stone' is hidden behind the models head. However on this cover it is hard to read as 90% of the title is hidden. Unless you had heard of the magazine, you may have a problem working out what the magazine was. I like how all the sub headings and tag lines are all aligned to the right of the magazine.

Magazine Analysis - Total Girl Cover

This magazine is specifically aimed at young girls and young teenagers. On the front cover is a Disney actress 'Selena Gomez', This attracts the targetted reader. Like the previous magazines i haven chosen to look at, they all feature a similar colour palet of the pinks and blues. I love how the background is just white, it really brings out the model and makes her stand out. I would like to do this with my front cover, but if not hopefully slightly fade the background out. I feel the overall cover is a bit fussy featuring to many sub headings, i also don't like how the are put on a slight slant. This makes the magazine appear untidy compared to one with straight headings. 

Magazine Analysis - Teen Vogue Cover

This is the ever so popular 'Teen Vogue' magazine. Compared to 'Vogue' which has a targetted audience of women interested in high fashion. Teen Vogue is directly aimed at teenagers interested in fashion. My own magazine will target the same audience. This is why the magazine feature teen idols such as on this magazine 'Vanessa Hudges' an actress from 'High School Musical'. This automatically attracts the right audience to read the magazine. Again the colours of the again fit the girly, summery image. This is using colours like pale blues, pinks, and yellows. Unlike the previous magazine there is a lot more sub headings advertising what is in the magazine. I love how the background image is just the model. I am hoping to do this in my own magazine.

Magazine Analysis - ASOS Cover

This is an online magazine by the retail company ASOS. The targetted audience of this magazine is for women who have an interest in the website . Readers can prescribe to the online magazine so it is delieved to there home. I chose this particular asos magazine to analysis because it relates to the type of magazine cover i would like to produce. I love the high exposure which hides the definiton of the features on the models face. The colour of the main heading brings out the models eyes as they are the same colour. The pink jacket on the model makes the cover bright and girly this is the effect i would like to have on my front cover. There is only the main heading and a couple of sub headings, i love how this makes the cover look simple and not cramped and fussy.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Front Cover Flat Plan for Music Magazine

This is a sketch of my contents page for my music magazine 'Pulse'. I will include as well as the contents of the magazine, an editors note. This will be a small paragraph explaining what is featured in the magazine. I will also include an image of teen pop star Taylor Swift. This will be showing that she is featured in the magazine. On my drawing i have made sure the type face of the mast head 'contents' is the same housestyle as the main mast head on the front cover 'Pulse'. I have done the same with the numbers on the contents.
I will use this image of Taylor Swift on my contents page...
i have choosen to use this image because it fits the 'pop' genre. This is also the similar colours i would like to use in my own photoshoot.

This is the drawing of my contents page...
I have choosen a bubbily font to represent the 'Pop' genre. The mast head will over lap the back ground image, which will be a photo of my model. I will include strap lines to advertise the content of the magazine, and i will also include images.

Ideas for my Music Magazine

I want to produce a girly music magazine, this is why i have selected this example. I am hoping to use my sister as my model for my music magazine. I will use her as a pop star and take pictures of her close up and then maybe a photoshoot of her with her guitar.